About EAPO

Офис To perform administrative tasks relating to functioning of the Eurasian patent system and grant of Eurasian patents, the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) established the Eurasian Patent Organization with the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) acting as its executive body.

All Contracting States are members of the Organization.

The Eurasian Patent Organization has two bodies, the Eurasian Patent Office and the Administrative Council.

The Eurasian Office is headed by the President who is the highest official in the Organization and is its representative.

EAPO is an intergovernmental organization and has the status of a legal entity. In each Contracting State the Organization possesses the legal capacity which is recognized for the legal entities in accordance with the national legislation of that state, may acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property, and defend its rights in courts. Location of the headquarters of the Organization is Moscow, the Russian Federation .

The official language of the Organization is Russian.

The Organization, the plenipotentiary representatives of the Contracting States, their deputies, Eurasian Patent Office employees and other persons performing tasks for the Organization, shall have, in the territory of each of those states, corresponding rights, privileges and immunities which are afforded by that country to any other international organization and its employees. Furthermore, in the territory of the Russian Federation the above rights, privileges and immunities are regulated by a special agreement concerning the headquarters of the Organization as concluded between the Organization and the Government of the Russian Federation.